
The 海湾经济发展联盟 will work to negotiate an incentive package for your company 's relocation or expansion project. 激励奖励可以包括退税和免税, 菠菜稳台子培训和, 符合资格的项目, 甚至是当地的现金补助, 区域和国家资源. 符合条件的项目, 奖励金额取决于许多因素, 包括一些工作, 工资水平, 员工福利待遇, 资本投资, 金融历史, 来自竞争社区的经济影响和奖励金额.



湾县委员会, the City of Panama City and the City of Lynn Haven offer an abatement of the local property tax at the business location on tangible personal property and improvements to real property for a period up to 10 years. 为了获得资格, 公司必须首先满足新业务或扩展业务的定义 s. 196.012(15)和(16),F.S.



CareerSource Gulf Coast is one of 24 regional workforce boards around the State of Florida. It is chartered to address the workforce and training needs of Bay, Gulf and Franklin Counties. 为雇主和求职者提供服务的工具是就业中心, 为湾县雇主的人力资源需求提供一站式服务. The Job Center offers free comprehensive services that assist companies in their recruitment efforts and in the management of their workforce. 这些服务包括员工招聘, 申请人筛选, 申请人的测试, 会议室空间和使用商业机器. 有关培训服务的更多资料,请 点击这里.



湾县明白确定性的重要性, 可预测性, 以及政府法规的效率. The Bay County Board of County Commissioners work together with the State of Florida’s regulatory agencies to provide quicker, less costly and more predictable permitting processes for significant economic development projects without reducing environmental standards.





The Capital Investment Tax Credit is used to attract and grow capital-intensive industries in Florida. 这是针对企业所得税的年度抵免,最长可达20年. Eligible projects are those in designated high-impact portions of the following sectors: clean energy, 生物医学技术, 金融服务, 信息技术, 硅技术, 运输设备制造业, 或者成为公司总部. Projects must also create a minimum of 100 jobs and invest at least $25 million in eligible capital costs. 合格的资本成本包括收购过程中发生的所有费用, 建设, 安装, and equipping of a project from the beginning of 建设 to the commencement of operations. The level of investment and the project's Florida corporate income tax liability for the 20 years following commencement of operations determines the amount of the annual credit.



The High Impact Performance Incentive is a negotiated grant used to attract and grow major high impact facilities in Florida. 才能参加这个项目, the project must: operate within designated high-impact portions of the following sectors-- clean energy, 公司总部, 金融服务, 生命科学, semiconductors and 运输设备制造业; create at least 50 new, 相当于全职的工作(如果是R&D设施, 公司必须创造至少25个新的, full-time equivalent jobs) in Florida in a three-year period; and make a cumulative investment in the state of at least $50 million (if a R&D设施, make a cumulative investment of at least $25 million) in a three-year period. 如果得到批准, the high impact business is awarded 50 percent of the eligible grant upon commencement of operations and the balance of the awarded grant once full employment and 资本投资 goals are met.



Florida is committed to preserving and growing its high technology employment base by giving Florida defense, homeland security and space business contractors a competitive edge in consolidating contracts or subcontracts, 获得新合同或将合同转化为商业生产. Pre-approved applicants creating or retaining jobs in Florida may receive tax refunds of $3,每新净额000, 创造或保留相当于全职的工作.



The Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Tax Refund program provides an incentive for companies in Florida’s qualified targeted industries to locate new facilities in Florida or to expand existing facilities in Florida. 该计划为企业收入提供退税, 销售, 从价, 无形个人财产, 保险费及其他税项, at $3,每创造一个新的工作岗位. Higher awards are available to companies paying wages 150% or higher than the county’s average annual wage. 选定目标行业的新业务或扩大业务, 至少支付该县平均年薪的115%, that have a significant positive impact on the community and have local support are eligible.





Florida’s 在职工人培训(IWT) program provides training to currently employed workers to keep Florida's workforce competitive in a global economy and to retain existing businesses. The program is available to all Florida businesses that have been in operation for at least one year prior to application and require skills upgrade training for existing employees. 优先考虑目标行业的企业, 企业区, 中心区域, 内城贫困地区, 农村县和地区, 及棕地地区.



Florida’s 快速反应训练(QRT) program is an employer-driven training program designed to assist new or expanding businesses. The program is flexible and structured to respond quickly to meet business training objectives. 当地培训机构-学区, 技术中心, 社区学院, state college or university – is selected and available to assist in the application process and program development or delivery. 如果公司有合适的培训计划, a state training provider will supervise and manage the training program and serve as the fiscal agent for the grant funds. 可报销的培训费用包括教官/培训师的工资, 课程开发, 教科书/手册和材料/用品.



工作机会税收抵免是一项联邦税收抵免激励私营企业, for-profit employers to hire welfare recipients and individuals from other special groups.



The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund was created to promote economic opportunity by improving public infrastructure and enhancing workforce training. This includes workforce training grants to support programs offered at state colleges and state 技术中心s.





经济发展运输基金, 通常被称为“道路基金”," is an incentive tool designed to alleviate transportation problems that adversely impact a specific company's location or expansion decision. The award amount is based on the number of new and retained jobs and the eligible transportation project costs, 最高300万美元. The award is made to the local government on behalf of a specific business for public transportation improvements.



The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund was created to promote economic opportunity by improving public infrastructure and enhancing workforce training.



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